JanusW.Zip ========== Release: 03/12/94 For documentation see JanusW.Hlp. Files in JanusW: | COMPILE.BAT - This file compiles the demo programs. EXE files are no longer included to miminize download time ReadMe.Txt - This file JanusW.Hlp - help file and documentation DialogWn.Pas - main unit DynLink.Pas - link to DLLs Debug.Pas - route output to debug terminal or DbWin | Vbx.Pas - Vbx interface unit (needs BIVBX10.DLL) | VbxInfo.Pas - generate pascal units from VBX files | VbxDemo.Pas - DlgTest.Pas - general test program for MDI/Dlgs DlgTest.Rc DlgTest.Inc DlgTest.Res MinMdi.Pas - minimal MDI program with dialogs MinMdi.Rc MinMdi.Res The main purpose of the files in the JanusW library to use dialogs as MDIchild windows and to handle the loading/use of BWCC and Ctl3D. However, tDialogWindows may be used as normal dialogs as well (instead of tDialog and tDlgWindow). Peter Sawatzki (PS) Buchenhof 3, D 58091 Hagen, Germany Fed Rep CompuServe: 100031,3002 Copyright (c) 1994 Peter Sawatzki. All Rights Reserved.